Dr. Kazufumi Kimura
Gastroenterologist and physician
Born in 1956.
Graduated from Waseda University in 1974.
Worked as a JOCV volunteer in Liberia for two years.
Graduated from Fukushima Medical College in 1994.
Get PhD degree in1999 on virology.
Worked in Zambia for Infectious control project as virologist under Professor Yosio Numazaki.
Researched in Australia for H.pylori infection under Novel Laurate Professor Barry Marshall.
Dr. Ken Ohata
The head of Endoscopy department of NTT Medical Center Tokyo(Dr. Ken Ohata).
The nuber of endoscopic surgery(ESD; endoscopic submucosal dissection) of colon of NTT Medical Center Tokyo is second to none in Japan as well as the number of ESD for upper part of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the top five in Japan.
He advocate his art of hand in Japan as well as foreign countries.
Helping to spread endoscopic techniques worldwide
I am very honored to see his art of hand in my clinic.
This picture is the sunset of Nanga Bay in West Australia. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.
The back-grand pictures in the homepage was taken when I was in Perth West Australia, when I research H. pylori under Novel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall. These pictures were taken with Sigma DP1.